At the Dec. 20, 2017 General Membership meeting, members will be asked to approve the 2018 prposed budget for the local. The budget for the coming year includes several items that are unique to 2018 including:
- Convention, travel and lodging to send delegates to the 2018 AFSCME International Convetion in Boston, MA this July. Delegates will be nominated and approved by the membership beginning in April.
- Event rental and food costs associatated with a celebration of the 3oth anniversary of Local 3580.
- Training to send members to the University of Oregon, Labor Education Resource Center, Leadership Academy beginning in March 2018.
Below is an overview of the proposed budget presented to members on Nov. 15. Items marked with a * require a vote by members to select delegates, approve recommendation for endorsement or other motion to allow budget funds to be expensed.
Arbitration, grievance, or legal fees as required to review contract language, grievances or represent members during arbitration: $10,000
Communication needs such as scheduled computer repacements, software, printing, postage and website hosting fees: $4,800
Conference, conventions* and trainings such as member advocate trainings, LERC Leadership Academy and 2018 International Convention*: $20,000
Political Donations* for member approved endorsements for Metro Counci Candidates and possible ballot measures. Four positions and two potential ballot measures are scheduled for May or Nov 2018 ballots: $12,000
Union Organizations* donation to Labor Community Service Agency that provides hardship and crisis assitance to union members in need, possible donation to Portland chapter of Jobs with Justice: $1,500
Fees related to surety bond: $194
Local meetings, celebrations and annual Labor Day picnic: $12,400
Membership NW Labor Council: $350
Officer Stipends, monthly stiped of $150 to $50 for members serving on the Executive Board. See Policy Manual for amounts, includes payroll taxes: $11,750