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  • About AFSCME Local 3580 & 3580-1

    AFSCME 3580

    On June 22, 1988, The American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) filed a petition with the Employment Relations Board (ERB) on behalf of 120 Metro employees who worked at the downtown building, the zoo, the Landfill and the Clackamas transfer and recycling station, asking for an election to determine if the Metro employees wanted to be represented by AFSCME for collective bargaining.  

    Where does our local fit in the union picture?

    AFSCME International has a very good explanation of how the AFSCME Structure works.  Click here to link to their page that gives good, concise, general descriptions.

    For a more detailed and specific description see the following:

    Local 3580 has nine officers that are elected for two-year terms on the odd numbered years.  We have a President, Vice President/Chief Steward, Secretary, and Treasurer which any member in good standing can run for.  There are two Chief stewards: one who works under the 3580 collective bargaining agreement; and one who works under the 3580-1 collective bargaining agreement.  Then there are four Executive Board positions that are connected to a work location: one who works at Metro Regional Center; one who works at the Zoo; one who works at the Metropolitan Exposition - Recreation Commission (MERC); and one who works at a Remote Solid Waste Facility.  

    We also have three trustees.  We elect one trustee each year for a three year term.  The trustees and the nine officers are elected by the entire membership. 

    The nine officers make up the Executive Board and they run the business of the union.  They meet monthly as an Executive Board and then there is the General Membership meeting once a month as well.  Our Local has a Staff representative from Council 75 who works for us and advises us.  The trustees audit the local's financial records twice a year.  Click here to see our current Officers and Staff.

    Then we have the state level.  That is Oregon AFSCME Council 75.  Okay, stay with me now, because it gets complicated.  There is a fifteen member Executive Committee that runs the business of Council 75 and they meet every month.  Those officers are as follows:  Council Officers--President, 1st VP, 2nd VP, Secretary, and Treasurer; Sector Vice Presidents--City Sector, County Sector , NLRB Sector, Special Sector, and State Sector; Congressional District Vice Presidents--1st District, 2nd District, 3rd District, 4th District, and 5th District.

    How is our local represented in the Executive Committee?  We are part of the Special Sector and we are part of Congressional District 3 so we are directly represented by those two Vice Presidents along with all the Council Officers.  We do elections every two years at the Council 75 Convention, which is held in the spring of the odd numbered years.  At that convention, each local in Council 75 ( there are currently 161 of them) sends delegates to make resolutions which govern how Council 75 is run and to elect officers.  The number of delegates per local is based on the number of members in each local. 

    Now, also at this convention, we elect the Executive Board for Council 75.  The Executive board is made up of two members from each local in Council 75.  This would be similar to the US Senate where each state gets two representatives regardless of population size.  So at the convention, after the Executive Committee is elected,  you break up in to Sectors and each local gets to nominate two members from their local to be on the Council 75 Executive Board.  This Executive Board meets three to four times a year to do the business of Council 75 that the Executive Committe does not have the authority to do on its own--things like approve the budget and make final hiring and wage decisions on Council 75's Executive Director.  Council 75 has a paid staff to do much of the work.   Click here to see the Council 75 Staff and office locations.

    Now we have the international level.  That is AFSCME International.  They are located in Washington, D.C.  Every two years, on even numbered years, there is an AFSCME International Convention.  Every local elects delegates to go to the convention and represent them on union policy that is determined at the convention.  The number of delegates is based on the number of members in each local.  Every four years, at the convention officers are elected.  The offices are  President , Secretary-Treasurer, and 31 International Vice Presidents from various regions.

    Page Last Updated: Jan 02, 2017 (14:48:05)
  • AFSCME 3580

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